When Basic Lace Sings

I have a few catch up posts to make. So I am starting by telling you all about Joelle;

Joelle - Copyright Let's Knit Magazine
Joelle – Copyright Let’s Knit Magazine

The first thing I remember about designing Joelle was knitting the lace swatch. It was the swatch that made the design, not a design in my head that I needed to get down on paper. It was the other way around.

I like to flick through my stitch bible and knit up anything that appeals to me when I swatch. Sometimes they get ripped out or slung in a drawer until they call out to me, but sometimes they sing immediately. Telling me what they want to be. This lace was a songstress. I got the image of Joelle in my head immediately. I knew exactly what to do and I was super excited.

Joelle swatch
Joelle swatch

I quickly sketched out the idea before it vanished like “poof!” That happens sometimes and it sucks. I was really pleased with the sketch and I had the design all planned out in my head, exactly how I was going to work it.

Joelle Sketch
Joelle Sketch

Once the yarn arrived (the gorgeous Artesano Superwash Merino), I set to work. I had lots of testers working on this and although there were some tiny problems, nothing major sticks in my head.

The top is knitted from the bottom of the back, up and cast on for the sleeves, then over the top and down the front, casting off the sleeve stitches as you pass them. This was so there was no break in the beautiful lace pattern. I really didn’t want an ugly seam running through the middle of it.
The top has no waist shaping and I did wonder if I was right to go ahead with that, but I love the fit of this. It is a slouchy, comfortable top, that could be worn during the day or evening while having a few drinks with friends.

I am super happy with the way Joelle turned out.

Have you ever had lace sing to you?

3 thoughts on “When Basic Lace Sings

  1. Lovely jumper 🙂 I’ve been admiring that for a bit (Artesano Superwash Merino is lovely to knit with too). Oh I love designing in lace, and usually it starts with a swatch that then gives me an idea of what it wants to be!


    1. How did I not see your comment?! I’m sorry.
      I totally agree though. I love Artessano Superwash. It is so lovely to knit with and always ends up beautiful.
      Some lace patterns just tell you what they want to be straight away don’t they. Others are like, “Bleurgh, not today thanks, put me back to bed” haha!


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