Bad Blogger. Naughty Blogger


I know I haven’t blogged properly in a LONG time. I’ve been letting you know about the competition and the special offers etc but I’ve not actually sat down and told you anything. So forgive me and my sad apologetic face. It’s not even because I have had a lot on. I’ve just been feeling rough (with a head cold) and been trying to get as many designs done as I could for another photo shoot. I haven’t got as many together as I would have liked though since a couple of them have been tricky.

I will show you some very badly shot sneak peaks. Badly shot cos it was dark and my camera needs a serious update.

Something with a splash of colour. This comes with a partner but I’m not sure about them both yet. We’ll see when I see them on the model 🙂

Oooh… not telling 🙂

I have more but I can’t give too much away, not just yet, sorry.

I do have a small review on bamboo circular needles though…don’t bother. Two of my most used needles have broken mid way through a project, snapping where the plastic meets the wood.

It’s a total pain. I’m now trying to slowly replace all my bamboo needles with aluminium. I much prefer using the cold metal anyway since I find my knitting slides better.

Anyway, I promise not to slack so much with the blogging and I’m sorry this one has been super blah but I’m super tired and still a bit head coldy… yeah that’s a medical term.

I promise to do better next time and I’ll hopefully have a new pattern for you soon.

What do you think?